Emergency Dental Gold Coast
Fresh Family Dental is Your Go-To Emergency Dentist on the Gold Coast
We hope that you and your family won’t ever need an emergency dentist but in the unfortunate case that you do, Fresh Family Dental has you covered. Emergency dental usually involves toothaches, knocked out teeth, chips, fractures and cracks, bitten lips or cheeks, abscesses and swelling, soft tissue trauma, bleeding, and jaw pain.
If you’re experiencing any of these issues, it’s best to contact an emergency dentist, like Fresh Family Dental on the Gold Coast. We are always happy to talk you through the best way to move forward.
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What Should I Do if I Need an Emergency Dentist on the Gold Coast?
Although they are considered emergencies, dental issues like the ones listed above can happen to anybody at any time, and so it’s important to know what you can do to self-manage during the period between experiencing the emergency and getting to your dentist. Whether it’s toothache or jaw pain from gnawing on something you shouldn’t have, or you’ve bitten down only to find you’ve damaged your teeth, there are plenty of helpful things you can do to alleviate pain and reduce as much damage as possible. In all these cases, we recommend giving us a call as soon as possible so we can begin to relieve the problem.

There are a whole range of reasons for a toothache and so there’s no way of telling for certain what caused it or what will make it go away. The best thing you can do is rinse your mouth using warm salty water. This is so that any leftover food debris can be cleared away as it may be causing discomfort in your teeth. You can seek to alleviate the pain using your usual medication such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, however, do not use aspirin and always follow the directions on the packet. If there is any swelling evident, it’s a good idea to use a cold pack or compressed ice to cool the outside of the cheek. Steer clear of using heat to treat this kind of pain. As always, try and get an emergency dentist to treat the problem as soon as you can.

Knocked out tooth
If you’ve knocked your tooth out by playing rough sport, mucking around at home, or in any other matter (we’ve seen it all, don’t worry), there is a possibility that you can actually save the tooth if immediate action is taken.
Do your best to locate the tooth and when you find it, only hold the tooth by the top, never by the roots. It’s important that when handling, you don’t rub the tooth or get rid of any bits of tissue. If you find the tooth and it is dirty, you can either rinse it in milk or clean it in water but only for a short time. If nothing like that is around, the owner of the tooth (if they’re an adult) can alternatively pop it in their cheek if they’re conscious and cooperative. The next step is to contact your Gold Coast emergency dentist ASAP!

Chips, Fractures or Cracks
In the unfortunate event where you chip, fracture, or crack a tooth, it’s essential to seek treatment from your local emergency dentist as quickly as you can. If the damage is minimal, meaning there is a lack of pain or soft tissue damage, stay calm and promptly contact your dentist for further treatment.
Can I go to a Gold Coast emergency room instead of a Dentist for an Emergency?
The short answer is yes. However, you should be aware that the doctors in the emergency room will most likely not tend to a dental issue unless it immediately impacts your overall health. Some examples are infections and migraines due to jaw pain or toothache. In these cases, they may treat immediate symptoms and refer you back to your general dentist. If possible, you should consult a dentist on the Gold Coast to treat the emergency as they can better diagnose and develop treatments which will provide lasting relief whereas emergency room doctors may take a different approach.
Preventing Dental Emergencies is the Best Way to Deal with Them
Ultimately, the best way to deal with dental emergencies is to work beforehand to prevent them. Obviously, some emergencies cannot be prevented easily as they come about due to an accidental knock or unforeseen accident.
Additionally, having regular checkups with your local Gold Coast dentist will increase your chances of preventing a dental emergency. The friendly team at Fresh Family Dental would love to talk to you further around what these habits are and how you can make them a regular part of daily life. Give us a call today.

Looking for a different service? We also offer general dental and children’s dental services, teeth whitening, crowns and root canal therapy.